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Graffiti Fur

Bata Shoe Museum: For Those Who Love Sneaker Fashions

Bata Shoe Museum (1)

Bata Shoe Museum (27)

Converse gave the  media, and  Sole Collector, a private tour of the Bata Shoe Museum’s “Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture” exhibit, in Toronto.

The Bata Museum houses over 1,000 shoes (from a collection of over 13,000), and not only celebrates style, but also helps to tell human history through footwear. In April of 2013, the museum opened this sneaker exhibit, which showcases shoes as far back as the 19th century, all the way through to today’s culture.

The sneaker collection features  brands like Converse, Nike and adidas, as well as the higher end of things, like Christian Louboutin and Lanvin. There are even sketches on display by Tinker Hatfield and Eric Avar.

The Exhibit closed June 1, 2014

Bata Shoe Museum (4)Bata Shoe Museum (5)Bata Shoe Museum (7)Bata Shoe Museum (9)Bata Shoe Museum (8)Bata Shoe Museum (10)Bata Shoe Museum (12)Bata Shoe Museum (3)Bata Shoe Museum (13)Bata Shoe Museum (18)Bata Shoe Museum (25)

Has Wearable Technology Gone Tooooooo Far?



How Are They going To Type & Text?

First spotted by Co.Design, the new nail technology uses sensors embedded in gel polish to track our behavior by the touch. It’s the work of Kristina Ortega and Jenny Rodenhouse of the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. They believe wearable, purposeful nails could soon be all over the place as standard salons themselves.











In Western Christianity, Easter marks the end of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline in preparation for Easter. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. Eastern Orthodox churches observe Lent or Great Lent, during the 6 weeks or 40 days preceding Palm Sunday with fasting continuing during the Holy Week of Easter. Lent for Eastern Orthodox churches begins on Monday and Ash Wednesday is not observed.

Because of Easter’s pagan origins, and also because of the commercialization of Easter, many Christian churches choose to refer to the holiday as Resurrection Day. In Western Christianity, Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal Full Moon. Beginning in 325 AD with the Council of Nicea), the Western Church decided to established a more standardized system for determining the date of Easter.

In 2013, for example, Easter was celebrated on March 31 by Western churches and May 5 by Orthodox churches. But in 2014, the two celebrations occur on the same date, April 20.  Western churches use the Gregorian calendar, the standard calendar for much of the world, and Orthodox churches use the older, Julian calendar.

That much is straightforward. But actually calculating these dates involves a bewildering array of ecclesiastical moons and paschal full moons, the astronomical equinox, and the fixed equinox— and that’s in addition to the two different calendar systems.

The two churches vary on the definition of the vernal equinox and the full moon. The Eastern Church sets the date of Easter according to the actual, astronomical full moon and the actual equinox as observed along the meridian of Jerusalem, site of the Crucifixion and Resurrection

The Eastern Orthodox Church also applies the formula so that Easter always falls after Passover, since the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ took place after he entered Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. In the Western Church, Easter sometime

A meeting was organized by the Council of World Churches (in Aleppo, Syria, March 5–10, 1997) Where a solution was proposed and thought to be favorable to both East and West: both methods of calculating the equinox and the paschal full moon would be replaced with the most advanced astronomically accurate calculations available, using the meridian of Jerusalem as the point of measure. Since that meeting, however, no further progress has been made and the problem remains.

Fasika (Orthodox Easter)
April 15, 2012; May 5, 2013; April 20, 2014; April 12, 2015; May 1, 2016

Fasika is Ethiopian Easter and is celebrated in conjunction with Orthodox Easter celebrations around the world.  Fasika is the most important holiday in the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar and follows a long 55-day fast, where no meat or dairy products are consumed.  Strict followers generally consume one meal of vegetables and lentils during this time.  Church services are attended on the eve before the holiday, where revelers participate in a colorful service lit with candles.  The following day, families and friends celebrate Fasika with special feasts that mark the end of the long fast. Doro wat, a spicy chicken stew, is the most traditional food served in all households. Celebrations continue for the following week, with an unofficial “second Fasika” the following weekend.

Axum has a colorful procession for Palm Sunday (known as Hosanna), the week before Fasika which is well worth a visit.  Like most holidays, the celebration takes place the night before the actually holiday (Saturday night).

Since the beginning of the 20th century, a proposal to change Easter to a fixed holiday rather than a movable one has been widely circulated, and in 1963 the Second Vatican Council agreed, provided a consensus could be reached among Christian churches. The second Sunday in April has been suggested as the most likely date. precedes Passover by weeks

The Easter Bunny

Some believe, rabbits were associated with the Teutonic deity Eostra, the goddess of spring and fertility, for their especially high reproduction rate. Eggs, and especially their hatching, are another symbol of spring with roots in pagan tradition, according to

Germanic, pagan, spring traditions and Christian resurrection tradition were quickly melded together as Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in the region around the 15th century, according to Discovery. As a result, the Easter Bunny tradition in America takes its roots in the German settlers of Pennsylvania

According to some sources, the Easter bunny first arrived in America in the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and transported their tradition of an egg-laying hare called “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.” Their children made nests in which this creature could lay its colored eggs



Blogger Site Stolen, Dupes Thief Into Getting It Back For 30,000


She even had the FBI on the case

Read More Of It Here

Over 60



Tina Turner

Alfre Woodard

Meryl Streep

Jacqueline Bisset

Beverly Johnson

Catherine Deneuve 

Lynn Whitfield

Phylicia Rashad

Lauren Hutton

Goldie Hawn

Cindy Joseph

Jane Seymour

Raquel Welch

Susan Sarandon

Helen Mirren


Up Coming Wearable Tech


Samsung is launching its Galaxy Gear on 4 September in Berlin. it’s actually a smartwatch. 


Apple iWatch
Apple Smart Shoe
Apple is also reportedly working on computerised shoes. Thanks to a patent applied for in January of this year, they are looking into ‘smart shoe’ systems which feature sensors that tell you when you need to replace the shoes
Google Glass
Social networking clothes
 Ping, is a social media ‘garment’ which connects the wearer to their social media accounts. You activate the clothing by moving it, lifting the hood, zipping, tying a bow etc. All of these movements allow you to respond to social media interactions.


Xilluminated Footwear

Libraries Lending More Than Books



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Haute Couture/Alexander McQueen

Alexander-McQueen-Backstage-Fall-2013-D=Focus-On-Style (437x500)


Haute Couture

Bouchra Jarrar Couture Fall 2013

Chanel Fall 2013 HC

Dior Couture Fall 2013

Ulyana Sergeenko Couture Fall 2013 Fall 2013 HC

Valentino Couture Fall 2013

Jean Paul Gaultier Couture Fall 2013

Maison Martin Margiela Artisanal Collection Fall 2013



3D Printed Fashions

Although 3D-printed haute couture garments have been working the catwalks, the real breakthroughs in printed clothing will come from more practical and subversive quarters. image is by Petrovsky & Ramone

The biggest development in 3D fashions is in sportswear. Footwear designers, in particular, are sldo excited about 3D printing because it means they can offer something truly unique.

London designer Ron Arad has created a range of 3D-printed spectacles and sunglasses for eyewear brand pq

3D printing allows easy customisation of products  ideal for the fashion industry, where every customer has a unique shape and differing tastes. However there are drawbacks, Fashion designers focus on feeling or touching the material and looking at how it drapes and how it moves with the motion of the body. There  is a limited  availability palette of  materials. “3D printing was designed for engineers. There are also generational issues at work. 3D technology allows greater freedom for young designers, who are able to produce runs of a few units rather than thousands, realising designs that, previously, would only ever have existed on paper.

Sports brand Nike has unveiled the first boots for American football players with 3D-printed studs. e fitted with a laser-sintered footplate and studs. Using 3D-printing technology meant Nike was able to prototype the boot and make alterations in a much shorter timeframe than normal – it allows design updates to be made in days rather than months.
Finally, since the consumer is used to wearing natural materials, and even though we do wear nylon and polyester in our clothes, the type of drape and feel and quality that we’d expect from something that’s been 3D-printed is a long ways off.
"3D printing will infiltrate fashion through streetwear, not haute couture"

3D printed Fashions



More Haute Couture 2013-2014

Oscar de la Renta Fall 2013

Japanese Perfume Co Working On Smell Phone



Japanese company Chaku Perfume Co. Ltd.  smell-o-vision has failed to take off on the big or small screens. Japanese Ltd. is hoping to have better luck on the even smaller screen with its Chat Perfume attachment for iPhone that allows messages or email notifications to be accompanied by a signature smell.

The device connects to an iPhone and packs an atomizer to disperse scents from the swappable scent tanks contained within. As such, the recipient will need the appropriate scent tank installed to receive the desired whiff.

As well as sending a scent along with a text message or emitting a particular smell when an email lands in your inbox, the makers tell DigInfo the Chat Perf attachment could also be used with games – releasing the smell on gunpowder when firing a weapon, for example. The company has an SDK available to developers so they can create apps that make use of the device.

“Formal Ties”, James Van der Zee.

Haute Couture 2014


Trends In Wearable Technology

Orchestral Fashions Music and Technology


The fashions, designed by students in the Integrated Design program at Parsons,  responsive to the way musicians move and play. Wearable technology, designed by students in the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons, is being incorporated into several of the looks. This technology will demonstrate how the performance itself can be enhanced by new means of visual expression, with the garments and performance space itself serving as a canvas for motion and sound-activated digital projections.

Your Twitter Account Is Worth What? The Black Market


Blackmarket sites like SocialSellouts will appraise and buy your twitter account, and by just typing your handle into the site’s appraisal engine, you can find out how much what your account is worth. Other companies buying are  SNprosTwirth,and BirdyCash sites run by Malcom Digg; However there are  Twitter Rules, A site that helps users get paid for tweets – thats acceptable by twitter called Pay4Tweet – Twitter users can to connect their PayPal and Twitter accounts,and then advertisers can work with these registered users and pay for their tweets.


The Next Generation ATM’s


The latest ATM’s include features like video chatting with a live teller, receiving change and more.

Bank of America’s new Teller Assist machines, for example, allow a customer to swipe a debit or credit card, driver’s license or photo ID for authentication. A live teller will then surface on the screen to assist the user.

The machines are supposed be able to perform about 80% of the services a traditional teller can.

Made Up and Lookin Beautiful

Pretty Brown Skin - African American Woman - Turban♥ Love it team brown skin make up

brown skinPale lip brown skin

Haute Couture Autumn 2013






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