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Posts tagged ‘Wiki Leaks’


(Image: file photo)

  Well-known hacker,Adrian Lamo, has died at the age of 37. Adrian Lamo, first rose to notoriety in the early-2000s by hacking into systems at The New York Times, Microsoft, and Yahoo, which he was subsequently convicted for.

Lamo was more recently widely known for his involvement in passing information on whistleblower Chelsea Manning, a former US Army soldier who befriended Lamo. In an internet chat, Manning told Lamo that she had downloaded and burned classified files to a disk.

Lamo, with help from two friends in military intelligence, informed the US military of the breach. Manning was later arrested and sentenced to 35 years in prison. Her sentence was later commuted by President Barack Obama, and she was released last year.

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Vault 7 & The Grasshopper


WikiLeaks has published more secret hacking manuals belonging to the US Central Intelligence Agency as part of its Vault7 series of leaks. The site is billing Vault7 as the largest publication of intelligence documents ever.

Friday’s installment includes 27 documents related to “Grasshopper,” the code name for a set of software tools used to build customized malware for Windows-based computers. The Grasshopper framework provides building blocks that can be combined in unique ways to suit the requirements of a given surveillance or intelligence operation. The documents can be useful to potential CIA targets looking for signatures and other signs indicating their Windows systems were hacked. The leak will also prove useful to competing malware developers who want to learn new techniques and best practices.




Wiki Leaks has dubbed it Code- “Vault 7” and it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.

More on   VAULT 7

Wiki Leaks Says Samsung TV Was Hacked BY CIA



Wiki Leaks has dubbed it Code- “Vault 7” and it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.

More on   VAULT 7

Wiki Leaks Assange Internet Access Cut


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Ecuador has temporarily restrict access to some of its private communications networks within its Embassy in the United Kingdom. This temporary restriction does not prevent the WikiLeaks organization from carrying out its journalistic activities.  Ecuador admits it cut off Assange’s internet due to his use of it to interfere in the U.S. election.

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