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Posts tagged ‘The Human Library’

The Human Library Event


A book and a reader engage in dialogue to uncover and confront stereotypes. Photo provided

AHuman Library? Like all libraries, this one is filled with books. The difference in this library is that all of the books are humans with lived experiences and compelling stories. At a Human Library event, books and readers come together at a specific time and place to engage in dialogue. In this format, a book and a reader spend about a half hour together sharing information, asking and answering questions, and increasing understanding. Human books on Their bookshelf represents a group in our society that is often subjected to such things as stereotyping, prejudice, stigmatization, or discrimination because of their lifestyle, a diagnosis, belief, disability, social status, or ethnic origin. Ronni Abergel, founder of the Human Library, calls a library event “living literature.” Each reading is a personal and specific experience.


Readers choose a book by their title from a catalogue with a brief description of the topic. Books are checked out for a half hour loan during which conversation and dialogue may lead to tough questions and powerful answers to build understanding and community. Photo provided

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