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Posts tagged ‘Ecosystem Services’

Scientist Say Theres A Decline In Biodiversity

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Scientists repeatedly warned about the rapid extinction of the world’s species; however, the head of a new global organisation says even domesticated plants and animals were facing a decline in biodiversity –

Zakri Abdul Hamid chair of the new Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services says preserving the neglected animal breeds and plants was necessary as they could have genes resistant to future diseases or to shifts in the climate to warmer temperatures, more droughts or downpours.

Zakri told a conference of 450 experts in Trondheim, central Norway, that the loss of biodiversity was happening so fast and everywhere, even among farm animals. Many traditional breeds of cows, sheep or goats have become unpopular, due to their lower yields of meat or milk. He added, globalisation also meant that people’s food preferences narrowed down to fewer plants.

There were 30,000 edible plants but just 30 crops accounted for 95 per cent of the energy in human food that was dominated by rice, wheat, maize, millet and sorghum. Zakri says  a large genetic pool will enable organisms to withstand and adapt to new conditions”, adding, it would help to ensure food for a global population set to reach 9 billion by 2050 from 7 billion now.

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