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From Coca Cola to CBD



Image result for coca cola 1889

Coca-Cola was first created in 1886 by Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton, who modeled his beverage after a then-popular French refreshment, coca wine, made by mixing coca-leaf extract with Bordeaux wine. To avoid liquor regulations, Pemberton chose to mix his coca-leaf extract with sugar syrup instead of wine. He also added kola-nut extract, lending Coca-Cola the second half of its name, as well as an extra jolt of caffeine.

Cocaine was not made illegal in the United States until 1914, and until then, the substance had a variety of (sometimes questionable) medical uses. Cocaine tonics, powders and pills were popularly believed to cure a variety of ailments, from headache and fatigue to constipation, nausea, asthma and impotence.

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Experts warn that many CBD products are unregulated, and very little is known about CBD’s medicinal effects or potential hazards.

According to Vox, CBD research has been restricted because—at least for now—the Drug Enforcement Administration classifies it as an illegal substance, and researchers in the United States are required to have a license to possess and study the compound.

Yasmin Hurd, a professor at the Icahn School of Medicine and the director of the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai, said scientists and consumers need to “do the research” before trusting CBD.

“It’s crazy that this substance is being consumed by everybody, yet we still don’t know the mechanism of action,” she said. “People are making it out to be a nirvana kind of drug, and that’s a problem. One compound cannot cure everything” (Rabin, New York Times, 2/25; Nosowitz, Vox, 1/17).



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