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Posts tagged ‘MediView XR’

Start-Up Creating X-Ray Specs For Surgeons


Start-up named  MediView XR, spinning out of the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute, using augmented reality via Microsoft HoloLens or similar AR goggles. MediView XR’s technology allows surgeons the ability to view inside patients and see their organs, blood vessels, bones, and other structures such as cancerous lesions. This is all thanks to a system that “fuses” sensor readings from ultrasound devices with CT or MRI scans to provide an X-ray-like view that doesn’t involve repeated exposure to X-rays. The three-dimensional view means that surgeons can move around patients and continue to see their internal anatomy in the right position and from the correct angle.

That’s not all the technology can do, either. It also offers advanced positioning data that can help surgeons as they operate. When surgeons picks up an instrument while wearing the AR goggles, they will see a “lightsaber-like” ray of light emitted from the end of the tool. When moved toward the patient, the augmented reality platform lets them see exactly how it will intersect with the patient’s anatomy. It will even alert surgeons when they have the correct placement.


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