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Archive for January, 2018

Artificial Intelligence & Sales


Bank  tellers are becoming fewer with each day.  ATM machines have taken the over -and there is no doubt that the automated systems have proved to do a much perfect job than humans. Companies are investing in technology –basically to replace salespeople and other replaceable labor force. Salespeople making strange six and seven figures will be removed if they cannot prove their worth to remain in the employment. That’s because artificial intelligence has confirmed to be far much stronger than man’s intelligence

Some Humor When The Haters Push Your Buttons

During 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma had the wealthiest black neighborhood in the country. On Sundays, women wore satin dresses and diamonds, while men wore silk shirts and gold chains. In Greenwood, writes historian James S. Hirsch,“Teachers lived in brick homes furnished with Louis XIV dining room sets, fine china, and Steinway pianos.”

They called it Black Wall Street.

Click Here

The 1921 destruction of Greenwood was one of the worst instances of racial violence in American history. (University of Tulsa)
Postcards commemorating the “Tulsa race riot” were printed shortly thereafter. (Tulsa Historical Society)
National Guardsmen collected the injured. (Wikimedia Commons)
The Ku Klux Klan’s presence in Tulsa was bolstered in the years following the massacre. But while the KKK remains active, the resistance of black Tulsans has survived too: a 1996 rally was interrupted when Tiffaeny Lanigan confronted Klan members with a lone raised fist. (AP Photo/David Crenshaw)



Benjamin Baneka

African Americans – slave and free provided the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings.

A major concern in the construction of the new public buildings in this remote location was the acquisition of building materials, such as stone, lumber, bricks, hardware, and nails. Black quarrymen, sawyers, brickmakers, and carpenters fashioned raw materials into the products used to erect the White House. Master stonemason, Collen Williamson, trained slaves on the spot at the government’s quarry at Aquia, Virginia.




Automation & Racial Inequality

Image result for automation and racial inequality in workplace

Research has shown that twice as many women as men could lose their jobs to robots. Recent studies also show that the racial disparity in unemployment will be exacerbated by the impact of automation. Job losses due to automation are expected to significantly impact African-American unemployment levels, which, even without factors like automation, are already skewed.

A recent report from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies entitled “Race and Jobs at High Risk of Automation” looked at the extent to which African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Whites are employed in the 30 occupations that have the highest probability of automation over the next 10 to 20 years. Compared to White workers, African-American workers are more than one-and-a-half times more likely to have jobs most susceptible to automation, including cashiers, cooks, fast food jobs, blue-collar occupations, production workers, laborers, and freight/stock/material jobs. African Americans are also three times more likely to be security guards, bus drivers, taxi drivers, and chauffeur

The report

Amazon Go; the Cashless Store

The store requires customers to scan their smartphone on the way in, tracks them with cameras and other sensors as they browse, and, when they take an item off the shelf, adds it to a virtual cart. Groceries are charged to the customer’s Amazon account when they leave with their goods.


Amazon has said the goal isn’t to make retail employees redundant, but to offer convenience you can’t get from a sometimes-crowded deli or corner store.

A few workers stocked shelves; others milled about, ready to help customers with questions. One employee stood sentry near the corner with beer and wine, to check IDs.

In a kitchen in the back, a half-dozen staff members were at work slicing vegetables for the sandwiches, salads and other takeaway lunch options on shelves at the front of the store.



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alabama

Steve SchapiroDr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alabama1965Fahey

Martin Luther King (Portrait), Selma

Steve SchapiroMartin Luther King Jr. (with Flag), Selma March1965Fahey/Klein Gallery

Schapiro’s entry into the Civil Rights movement came as a freelance photographer for LIFE magazine in the early 1960s when he was in his late twenties.



Has Starbucks Joined The Bandwagon?——Their Tall Blonde Is Sweeter Than Expresso

A Short Pictorial History Of Racist Ads & They’re Still Going Strong

This was in China’s Museum

Here’s the Dove Commercial

The janitor is brown skinned

Racial sterotypes and beauty whitewashing still prevails

bdgamers / Flickr

They Don't Call it White-W is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly RacistPhoto: Imgur

Little Children in Blackface:  is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Golly, Mis' Maria, You' is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Your Heart Is White?! Dear Lor is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Rastus Is Sho' Not Winning A is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

It's Fine, Dandruff Is Wor is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

I'se Sure Horrified to See is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Giving Racist Baby Some Seriou is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Jell-O, Putting the Jiggle Bac is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

4 Out of 5 Racists Need to Fee is listed (or ranked) 11 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Oh, Yes, the Poor White Man is listed (or ranked) 12 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Ewww! is listed (or ranked) 17 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Yassuh, It's Genu-Wine Racism! is listed (or ranked) 19 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

What Is Even Happening Here? is listed (or ranked) 21 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Did You Ever See a More Racist is listed (or ranked) 20 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Lighten Your Skin to Bring Out is listed (or ranked) 23 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Look in the Sky! It's a Bi is listed (or ranked) 24 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

It's Not Every Day That You Se is listed (or ranked) 25 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Ah, Yes, it Takes Great Courag is listed (or ranked) 33 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Aunt Jemima Strikes Again! Qui is listed (or ranked) 26 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Being Reduced to an Ethnic Ste is listed (or ranked) 27 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

The Black Children Are a Pun o is listed (or ranked) 28 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Confucius Say, OMG! This Is So is listed (or ranked) 29 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

This Ad Is Racist Like a Boss! is listed (or ranked) 30 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

That Is One Racist Giant Bottl is listed (or ranked) 35 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Yes Ma'am! The Racist Ghost of is listed (or ranked) 31 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Ariba Ariba! This Ad Is More R is listed (or ranked) 32 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Because He Loves Carrying Your is listed (or ranked) 34 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Disney Is Racist? You Don' is listed (or ranked) 36 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

Yum Yum, Racism Is Delicious! is listed (or ranked) 39 on the list Vintage Ads That Are Horribly Racist

They Made A Racist Version Of ... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list Horribly Racist Moments From Looney Tunes You Missed Growing Up

In Many Cartoons, Black People is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list Horribly Racist Moments From Looney Tunes You Missed Growing Up







H&M Should Be Ashamed & The Boy’s Parents Must Have Been Desperate Back in The Day Racist Adults & Kids Called Black People Monkeys

Why does this Child of color have to be a cool monkey?

And why is this child depicted as a survival expert?


Why not use one of these ?

Google Wants To Sell Zagat

Google has reportedly held “informal talks” with interested parties for a deal that would encompass the Zagat brand name and website. Mum’s the word on how much Google is after for the service, with Google keeping quite on the matter.

Amazon’s Patent Mirror


Amazon / US Patent and Trademark Office

Amazon has been granted a patent a mirror that shows how outfits will look on you without you having to actually put them on. Using mirrors, screens, displays, projectors, and cameras. The system is able to combine a person’s likeness with virtual images and present a blended-reality reflection that shows them in a variety of virtual background settings and wearing virtual outfits.


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