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Chinese Test Cheating Tools Look Like Something Out Of James Bond

Chinese Test Cheating Tools Look Like Something Out Of James Bond

In Sichuan province, 40 students were suspected of using a high tech pen to cheat. The pen would send test questions back to another location and answers would be sent back to the cheaters via in-ear receivers.

Chinese Test Cheating Tools Look Like Something Out Of James Bond

A wired up t-shirt was confiscated during another important state sponsored exam. The shirt is wired with a camera and plugs into a mobile phone that sends signal out.

Study Hard with an I.V. Drip

The photos were taken at a high school in Xiaogan City, China. Seniors are getting amino acid drips so they can keep cramming for their college entrance exams, which are held in early June.

The Chinese government is apparently giving a 10-yuan amino acid subsidy to each student who takes this year’s Gaokao. And this high school, being efficient as possible, went ahead and put the IV drips in the classroom as the kids study

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